The following specialists are required at the Scientific Center for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery:

I. Specialists of the highest qualification level

1. Doctor otorhinolaryngologist (ENT) (child)
2. Doctor the pediatrician
3. Doctor dentist (child)
4. The doctor the gastroenterologist (children's)
5. Doctor oncologist / hematologist (child)
6. A doctor is an expert (pediatric, surgical)
7. The doctor transfusiologist
8. The neonatologist
9. The doctor-laboratory assistant
10. The doctor-laboratory assistant in the LHC laboratory.
11. The lawyer
10. Doctor anesthetist-resuscitator
11. Specialist of organizational and methodical work
12. Accountant

Mandatory condition: availability of a specialist certificate (category is desirable)

II. Specialists of intermediate skill level

1.Farmatsevt (secondary specialized education)
2. X-ray lab assistant
3. Medical Assistant-Laboratory Assistant
Mandatory condition: the availability of a specialist certificate (a category is desirable), with experience.

III. Specialists with non-medical education

1. Cook (4-5-6 digit)
2. The maidservant
3. The nurse
4. The driver of washing clothes

Requirement: work experience.