This would be relevant for persons interested in coming to residency on specialties "Pediatrics" and "Children's Surgery".

JSC Scientific center of pediatrics and children's surgery prior to entrance examinations in residency announces the beginning of preliminary selection coming to our residency from February 18 to May 31, 2019, according to Ministry of Education and Science RK, Order of 31.10.2018, No. 600 "Standard rules on training in the organizations of education implementing educational programs of postgraduate education" on specialties:

6R114200 "Pediatrics"

6R113300 "Children's surgery"

Documents are accepted at:

Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave. 146, department of science of post-degree education

Order of preliminary selection in residency:

  1. Submission of documents will work till 27.05.2019.
  2. The statement addressed to the head of the organization.
  3. Identity card (copy).
  4. Copy of diploma on the higher education.
  5. The reference from the place of study (for those who still study).
  6. The motivational essay (volume no more than 500 words of the printing text in the editor Word, a font: Times New Roman, a size is 14, an interval is 1.5, is entered a surname, a name, a middle name of the author of the essay.)
  7. The international certificate confirming foreign language skills according to the all-European competences (standards) of foreign language skills (in case of their existence).
  8. The list of scientific and methodical works (in case of their existence).
  9. Six photos of 3x4 centimeters in size.

The interview will be conducted since May 28-30, 2019.

Issue of the reference of preliminary selection will be of 31.05.2019.