Department of Oncology/Hematology No. 3 of JSC "Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was established in 1993 to provide specialized care to children and adolescents. The department accepts children with all blood diseases, histiocytosis, hereditary syndromes, immunodeficiency, aplastic anemia for treatment. One of the goals of the department is to develop and implement uniform internationally recognized therapy protocols.
The Republican Children's Oncohematology Center (RDOGC) with 60 beds was established in May 1993 with the assistance of the charity organization "CARE-Germany" in cooperation with the International Foundation "Mercy and Health" at the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery.
In November 2019, the oncology and hematology departments merged, as a result of which the department treats children of the Republic of Kazakhstan with solid tumors, leukemia, immunodeficiency, aplastic anemia, histiocytosis and other blood diseases.
The main goal of the department is to introduce standardized chemotherapy programs, improve accompanying therapy, and increase the survival rate of children with acute leukemia and tumors in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The main tasks of the Department of oncohematology of early age are:
- Conducting PCTs, according to international protocols.
- Carrying out preventive measures and timely treatment of complications arising in the process of high-dose PCT in patients with oncological diseases.
- Implementation of a set of measures to restore and maintain the impaired functions of vital organs that have arisen as a result of the disease and chemotherapy of patients being treated in the department of early oncohematology with oncological and hematological diseases.
- Coordination of the work of the pediatric hematology service in Kazakhstan.
- Communication has been established with regional hematologists who monitor children who have completed a course of chemotherapy at the center at their place of residence. As a result of the work carried out, currently all children with oncohematological diseases from all regions of our republic are registered and under control.
- Cooperative research, joint meetings, seminars, master classes are conducted, memoranda have been signed with similar oncohematology centers in Russia and the Republic of Belarus. For many years, there has been active cooperation with scientists from Germany, South Korea, Japan, the USA, and the Czech Republic.
- The department employs highly qualified doctors, secondary medical personnel and experienced junior medical personnel with extensive work experience.
Сontact number: 8(727) 269 73 17,
8(727) 269 73 25,
8(727) 269 73 28
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Bulabaeva Gulnar Erzhanovna- Head of the department, doctor of the highest category in the specialty oncology/hematology (children's). Total work experience – 27 years 1989-1995. Graduated from Almaty State Medical Institute. S.D.Asfendiyarova (ASMI), Faculty of Pediatrics 1995-1998 - doctor of the department "Blood Bank" of the SCPPS . In 1998, she was transferred to the Department of Hematology. Since 2015 - Head of the oncohematology department of the SCPPS. Specialty: pediatric hematologist. Qualification: the doctor of the highest category in the specialty oncology / hematology (children's) 02.03.2018. Certificates Advanced training under the program "Topical issues of oncohematology" of the FSBI NNPC DGOI.Dmitry Rogachev of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Advanced training in the program "Topical issues of oncohematology, transplantology " Prague "Motol Clinic". Awards: 2018 - badge "Kazakstan Republikasy Densaulyk saktau isinin uzdigi. Awarded honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. |
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Muratova Assel Muratovna - Oncologist/hematologist for children, II category. Education: 2003 - 2009 – Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, doctor, specialty "Pediatrics". 2009-2010 - Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, internship, specialty "Pediatrics". 2010 - 2012 – Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, residency in the specialty "Pediatrics". 2015 – retraining in the specialty "Oncology /Hematology for children" on the basis of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery. 2017 – advanced training in the program "Topical issues of oncohematology" of the FSBI NNPC DGOI.Dmitry Rogachev of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Since 2014 – Doctor of the Oncology/Hematology Department of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery. Total work experience – since 2014. |
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Saduova Zhazira Gabitovna- Oncologist/hematologist for children Education: 2012-2017 - Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Bachelor's degree in General Medicine. 2017-2019 - Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, internship in the specialty "Pediatrics". 2019-2021 Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, residency in the specialty "Oncology /Hematology for children". 2021 - advanced training in the specialty "Oncology/ Hematology for children" on the basis of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery. General medical experience: since 2019. Work experience in SCPPS: since 2020. |
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Omarova Gulnara Yerbosynovna - pediatric oncologist/hematologist
Education 1999-2005 – Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov, Specialty: "Pediatrics". 2005-2006 - Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov, internship in the specialty "Pediatrics". 2006 - 2010 - Doctor of the Department of Hematology No. 3 of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery. 2007 – retraining in the specialty "Oncology/hematology for children" on the basis of SCPPS 2008 – advanced training on the topic "Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells" RNPC DOGiI, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 2010 - advanced training on the topic "Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation", Tel Aviv, Israel 2010-2022 - Doctor of the Oncology Department No. 1 of the National Scientific Center for Motherhood and Childhood, Astana. Since 2022 – Doctor of the Oncology/Hematology Department No. 3 of the Scientific Center for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery. General medical experience: since 2006 Work experience in SCPPS: 5 years. |
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Alieva Tolkyn Adilgazievna - Senior nurse, of the highest category
Education: Secondary-medical Republican Medical School Faculty: Nursing, 1986-1988 Work experience: 1989- 2003 - CRH of Panfilovsky district, post nurse 2003-2015 – Post nurse of the Department of Pulmonology of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery 2015-2019 - Senior nurse of the Department of General Pediatrics of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery Since 2019 – Senior Nurse of the Oncology/Hematology Department No. 3 of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery Training: 2020 – advanced training in the cycle of "Nursing" on the basis of SCPPS. She was awarded a certificate of honor by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020. |